This project was started for a three-hour gamejam on 1/23/2022, but I didn't get much done in that time.  There is no goal right now, no combat, no way to progress. 

The player can use ASWD or arrow keys to move around.  If you move into a hazard area, you take damage.  If you take too much damage, you die and the game ends.

I mean... no!  It's an art piece!  It's supposed to be that way. Yeah, sure... you exist, tiny, floating in an empty unchanging universe, free to contemplate the existential purpose of it all.

It's a statement.  Yeah, that's what it is.  It's not an incomplete game. It's a reflection of life. The goal is to float around the universe and think until you find some meaning in it all.  Or find the irradiated zones that will kill you.

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